Welcome to Prof. Pradhan's Research Group

Nurturing Talent in Spectroscopy, Photonics, Molecular & Optical Physics

Work One

Work One

Prof. Manik Pradhan, FRSC, FInstP

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Current Research Areas

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    Latest Publications & News

    ⇐ An invited article celebrating the scientific accomplishments of RSC Fellows in Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy has been published !⇐  
    Journal of Applied Physics, 135, 203103 (2024).

    Infrared Physics & Technology, 139, 105317 (2024).

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15, 4430 (2024).

    Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 41, 750 (2024).

    Journal of Optics, 26, 045403 (2024).

    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 400, 111891 (2024).

    Analyst, 149, 1791 (2024).


    Experimental Techniques & Instrumentation

    Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL)-based Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (CRDS)
    Image 01

    QCL based cw-CRDS techniques developed in our lab for studying high-resolution gas-phase spectroscopy in mid-IR spectral region.

    Residual gas analyzer (RGA) mass spectrometer for human breath analysis
    Image 02

    We have developed a RGA-based system for non-invasive diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection Type 2 diabetes and Irritable bowel syndrome.

    QCL-based Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy Technique in mid-IR region
    Image 03

    We have developed a calibration-free 1f-normalized 2f-wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) technique with cw EC-QCL in our laboratory.