Nilkantha Nayak
Associate Professor
Optical Physics Group
S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
JD Block, Sector III
Salt Lake City
Telehpone +91-33-3355706/7/8 Ext 221
Fax +91-33-3353477

Quantum optics, laser physics, nonlinear optics and quantum thermodynamics.

Quantum Optics: The phenomena of squeezing dealing with the reducing of quantum mechanical uncertainty than that of a minimum uncertainty state. Its study in atomic system known as spin squeezing.
Laser Physics : The physics of micromaser and microlaser, the one-atom laser. Study of possibilities of generating Fock states of radiation fields.
Nonlinear Optics: Slow light using multiwave mixing and self induced transperancy.
Quantum thermodymics: The role of quantum mechanics in the conventional thermodynamics. Its demonstration by adding a one-atom laser to an Otto cycle engine
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