Priya Mahadevan
    Associate Professor

   Telephone +91-33-2335 5706/07/08

Educational Background:

  • Master of Science: Dept. of Physics, IISc, Bangalore (1993).
  • PhD: Department of Physics, IISc, Bangalore (1998).
  • Awards/Professional Activities:

  • DAE - Raja Ramanna Prize Lecture in Physics for 2013
  • TWOWS Prize for young woman scientist in Physics/Mathematics in Asia region for 2010.
  • NASI-SCOPUS young scientist award in Physics for 2010.
  • Executive Board member, MRSI Kolkata chapter (ex-officio).
  • Council member, MRSI.
  • Editorial board member, Chinese Journal of Physics.
  • Professional Background:

  • 1998-2000: Post-doctoral Researcher at JRCAT, Tsukuba, Japan.
  • 2000-2003: Post-doctoral Researcher at National Renewable Energy Lab, Denver, CO – USA.
  • 2003-2005: Assistant Professor, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
  • 2005-2009 : Reader, S.N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences
  • 2009-present : Associate Professor , S.N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences
  • Main area of work

  • Electronic, magnetic, structural, optical and mechanical properties of systems at the nanoscale
  • Charge, orbital and magnetic ordering in p and d band systems
  • Models for magnetism in transition metal compounds, dilute magnetic semiconductors
  • Calculation of various spectral functions

        Significant recent publications:

    • Effective mass driven structural transition in Mn-doped nanoplatelet, Celine Gerard, Ruma Das, Priya Mahadevan and D.D. Sarma, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 1023 (2013).
    • Indirect to Direct Band Gap transition under uniaxial strain in layered ZnO, Bipul Rakshit and Priya Mahadevan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 143116 (2013).
    • Ferroelectric distortions in doped ferroelectrics: BaTiO3:M (M=V-Fe) Hirak Kumar Chandra, Kapil Gupta, Ashis Kumar Nandy, and Priya Mahadevan
    • Route to high Neel temperatures in 4d and 5d oxides, S. Middey, Ashis Nandy, Shishir Pandey, Priya Mahadevan and D.D. Sarma, Phys. Rev. B 86, 104406 (2012).
    • Defect induced local moment in ZnO as a consequence of Stoner mechanism, Hirak Kumar Chandra and Priya Mahadevan, Solid State Commun. 152, 762 (2012).
    • The Spin and orbital physics of the alkali superoxides (A p-band orbital ordering), Ashis Nandy, Priya Mahadevan and D.D. Sarma in Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure and Reactivity, Ed. P. Chattaraj and S. Ghosh (2012)
    • Formation and the stability of the oxides of K, Ashis Nandy, Priya Mahadevan and D.D. Sarma, Mol. Sim. 38, 1308 (2012)
    • K$_2$O$_2$ : The most stable oxide of K, A.K. Nandy, Priya Mahadevan and D.D. Sarma, Phys. Rev. B. 84, 035116 (2011).
    • Stability of the bulk phase of layered ZnO, B. Rakshit and Priya Mahadevan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 085508 (2011).
    • Dependence of magnetism on the GdFeO3 distortion in the t2g system ARuO3 (A=Sr, Ca), S. Middey, Priya Mahadevan and D.D. Sarma, Phys. Rev. B 83, 014416 (2011).
    • Size dependence of the bulk modulus of semiconductor nanocrystals from first-principles calculations, R. Cherian, C. Gerard, Priya Mahadevan, N.T. Cuong and R. Maezono, Phys. Rev. B 82, 235321 (2010).
    • Absence of rippling in graphene under biaxial tensile strain, Bipul Rakshit and Priya Mahadevan, Phys. Rev. B 82, 153407 (2010).
    • KO2: Realization of orbital ordering in a p-orbital system, A.K. Nandy, Priya Mahadevan, P. Sen and D.D. Sarma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 056403 (2010)
    • Charge ordering induced ferromagnetic insulator : K2Cr8O16, Priya Mahadevan, Abhinav Kumar, D. Choudhury and D.D. Sarma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 256401 (2010).
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