Gautam Gangopadhyay

   Telephone +91-33-2335 5706/07/08

Educational Background:

  • Ph.D.(Science) (1993) Jadavpur University
  • Main area of work

    1. Stochastic processes in Complex systems, specially in ion-channel and enzyme catalysis in heterogeneous environment.

    2. Quantum transport in molecular and Biological processes.

    3. Nonlinear Dynamics in Chemical and Bio systems.

    Significant recent publications:

  • Large deviation theory for the kinetics and energetics of turn over of enzyme catalysis in a chemiostatic flow, Biswajit Das and Gautam Gangopadhyay J. Chem. Phys. 148, 174104 (2018).
    • Nonequilibrium response of a voltage gated sodium ion channel and biophysical characterization of dynamic hysteresis, Krishnendu Pal, Biswajit Das and Gautam Gangopadhyay, J.Theo. Biol. 415 113-124 (2017) .
    • Fermionic thermocoherent state: Efficiency of electron transport, Anirban Karmakar and Gautam Gangopadhyay, Phys. Rev. E 93, 022141 (2016).
    • Propensity approach to nonequilibrium thermodynamics of a chemical reaction network: Controlling single E-coli beta-galactosidase enzyme catalysis through the elementary reaction steps, B. Das, K. Banerjee and G. Gangopadhyay, J. Chem. Phys. 139 244104 (2013).
    • Entropic estimate of cooperative binding of substrate on a single oligomeric enzyme: An index of cooperativity, K. Banerjee, B. Das and G. Gangopadhyay, J. Chem. Phys. 136 154502 (2012).
    • Role of positional disorder in the spectra of conjugated polymer aggregates: conical intersection of potential energy surfaces, K. Banerjee and G. Gangopadhyay, J. Phys.B 43 235104 (2010).
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