Educational Background:
M. A. and D. Phil. In Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford
Professional Background:
Rhodes scholar, I have held research associateships in IBM New York,
the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge and the IRC in Advanced Materials,
Birmingham, before returning to India in 1995. I was an EPSRC Visiting
Fellow at the University of Oxford in 1998, and a Radcliffe Fellow at
Harvard University in 2007. I have
held many long-term visiting Professorships, notably
at the Service de Physique Theorique, Saclay. I am a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Important awards and fellowship of academies:
Rhodes Scholarship, 1978
Member of Editorial Board of Granular Matter, JSTAT and CHAOS.
Stree Shakti award for Woman Scientist of the Year 2004
Radcliffe Fellowships to Harvard, 2006-7.
Fellowship of American Physical Society, 2007
Main area of work
Granular media
Complex systems
Glassy dynamics in soft matter
Optimisation problems
Statistical physics in an interdisciplinary context, eg economics /biology/ astrophysics
Nonlinear dynamics
Cognitive sciences
Significant publications:
Granular physics, by Anita Mehta, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007)
"Novel temporal behaviour of a nonlinear
dynamical system - the completely inelastic bouncing ball", Anita Mehta and J M Luck, Physical Review Letters 65, 393 (1990)
"Vibrated powders - a microscopic approach", Anita Mehta and G C Barker, Physical Review Letters 67, 394 (1991)
"Size segregation mechanisms", G C Barker and Anita Mehta, Nature 364,486 (1993)
"Dynamics of sandpiles: physical mechanisms, coupled stochastic equations and alternative universality classes", Anita Mehta, J M Luck and R J Needs, Physical Review E53, 92 (1996)
"Models of competitive learning: complex dynamics, intermittent con-
versions and oscillatory coarsening", Anita Mehta and Jean-Marc Luck,
Physical Review E 60, 5218-5230 (1999)
'A two-species model for aeolian sand ripples' Rebecca Hoyle and Anita
Mehta Physical Review Letters, 83, 5170 (1999)
'Anomalous aging phenomena caused by drift velocities', J. M. Luck
and Anita Mehta, Europhysics Letters, 54, 573-580, (2001).
'On random graphs and the statistical mechanics of granular matter'
by Johannes Berg and Anita Mehta, Europhysics Letters, 56, 784-791,
"Why shape matters in granular compation",Anita Mehta and J M Luck, J. Phys. A. - Math. Gen. (2003) 36, (June 2003), L365-L372
"Cooperativity in sandpiles: statistics of bridge geometries", Anita Mehta,
G. C. Barker and J. M. Luck, JSTAT P10014, (2004).
"A deterministic model of competitive cluster growth : glassy dynamics, metastability and pattern formation", J.M. Luck and A. Mehta,
European Physics Journal B 44 79-92 (2005).
'Heterogeneities in granular dynamics’, A. Mehta, G. C. Barker and J.
M. Luck, Proceedings of National Academy
of Sciences, 105,24,8244-8249 (2008).