Anita Mehta

   Telephone: +91 33 2335 3057/3061, ext 227.

Educational Background:

  • M. A. and D. Phil. In Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford
  • Professional Background:

  • A Rhodes scholar, I have held research associateships in IBM New York, the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge and the IRC in Advanced Materials, Birmingham, before returning to India in 1995. I was an EPSRC Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford in 1998, and a Radcliffe Fellow at Harvard University in 2007. I have held many long-term visiting Professorships, notably at the Service de Physique Theorique, Saclay. I am a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
  • Important awards and fellowship of academies:

  • Rhodes Scholarship, 1978
  • Member of Editorial Board of Granular Matter, JSTAT and CHAOS.
  • Stree Shakti award for Woman Scientist of the Year 2004
  • Radcliffe Fellowships to Harvard, 2006-7.
  • Fellowship of American Physical Society, 2007
  • Main area of work

  • Granular media
  • Complex systems
  • Glassy dynamics in soft matter
  • Optimisation problems
  • Statistical physics in an interdisciplinary context, eg economics /biology/ astrophysics
  • Nonlinear dynamics
  • Cognitive sciences
  • Significant publications:

    • Granular physics, by Anita Mehta, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007)
    • "Novel temporal behaviour of a nonlinear
      dynamical system - the completely inelastic bouncing ball", Anita Mehta and J M Luck, Physical Review Letters 65, 393 (1990)
    • "Vibrated powders - a microscopic approach", Anita Mehta and G C Barker, Physical Review Letters 67, 394 (1991)
    • "Size segregation mechanisms", G C Barker and Anita Mehta, Nature 364,486 (1993)
    • "Dynamics of sandpiles: physical mechanisms, coupled stochastic equations and alternative universality classes", Anita Mehta, J M Luck and R J Needs, Physical Review E53, 92 (1996)
    • "Models of competitive learning: complex dynamics, intermittent con- versions and oscillatory coarsening", Anita Mehta and Jean-Marc Luck, Physical Review E 60, 5218-5230 (1999)
    • 'A two-species model for aeolian sand ripples' Rebecca Hoyle and Anita Mehta Physical Review Letters, 83, 5170 (1999)
    • 'Anomalous aging phenomena caused by drift velocities', J. M. Luck and Anita Mehta, Europhysics Letters, 54, 573-580, (2001).
    • 'On random graphs and the statistical mechanics of granular matter' by Johannes Berg and Anita Mehta, Europhysics Letters, 56, 784-791, (2001).
    • "Why shape matters in granular compation",Anita Mehta and J M Luck, J. Phys. A. - Math. Gen. (2003) 36, (June 2003), L365-L372
    • "Cooperativity in sandpiles: statistics of bridge geometries", Anita Mehta, G. C. Barker and J. M. Luck, JSTAT P10014, (2004).
    • "A deterministic model of competitive cluster growth : glassy dynamics, metastability and pattern formation", J.M. Luck and A. Mehta,
      European Physics Journal B 44 79-92 (2005).
    • 'Heterogeneities in granular dynamics’, A. Mehta, G. C. Barker and J. M. Luck, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 105,24,8244-8249 (2008).
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