Abhijit Mookerjee
    Professor Emeritus

   Telephone +91-33-2335 5706/07/08

Educational Background:

  • A.R.C.S. - Imperial College London (1968)
  • Tripos (Pt III) – Univ. Cambridge, UK (1969)
  • Ph.D. - University of Cambridge, UK (1973)
  • Professional Background:

  • 1973-74 Research Assistant – Cavendish Laboratory,Cambridge UK
  • 1974-75 CSIR Silver Jubilee Fellow – University of Roorkee
  • 1975-1989 Faculty – Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
  • 1989-2007 Faculty – S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata
  • Important awards and fellowship of academies:

  • CSIR Silver Jubilee Fellowship
  • 2000 Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Main area of work

  • Theory of the electronic and vibrational properties of disordered binary and ternary alloys. The Augmented Space technique was developed by me and used extensively by our group.
  • Study of inhomogeneous disorder, short-ranged order, local lattice distortions, sublattice disorder in alloys and compounds.
  • First Principles thermodynamics of binary alloys.
  • Electrical, thermal and optical response in binary alloys
      disordered systems.
    • Development of a Density Functional theory for excited states in disordered solids.
    • Study of transition and noble metal and bimetallic clusters. Catalysis, band-gap engineering
    • Study of electronic transmission through nanowires.

        Significant recent publications:

    • Shreemoyee Ganguly, A. Venkatasubramanium, K. Tarafdar, Indra Dasgupta and A. Mookerjee, Augmented space recursion study of the effects of disorder on superconductivity, Phys Rev B 79, 224204 (2009)
    • Moshiour Rahaman and A. Mookerjee, An augmented space cluster coherent potential approximation for binary random and short-range ordered alloys, Phys Rev B 79 054201 (2009)
    • Soumendu Datta, Mukul Kabir, Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta and Abhijit Mookerjee, Structure, reactivity and electronic properties of V-doped Co clusters, Phy Rev B 80 085418 (2009)
    • Mitali Banerjee, Abhijit Mookerjee, A. K. Majumder, Rudra Banerjee, Biplab Sanyal and A. K. Nigam, Magnetism in FeNiW disordered aaloys: Experiment and theory J Magn. Magn. Mater. 322(21) 3558(2010)
    • Aftab Alam, Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta and Abhijijt Mookerjee, Ab initio augmented space recursion to study complex multicomponent materials: Application to the pseudo-binary alloy Ni(1-x)Pt(x)Al, Phy Rev B 81 054201 (2010)
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