Dr. Barnali Ghosh (Saha)
Research Scientist (Scientist-D)
Department: Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science

   Extension no: 447

Educational Background:

  • Ph.D (Physics) - University of Kalyani, 1998
  • Professional Background:

  • Research Associate, University of Kalyani and Visiting Faculty at Kalyani Govt Engineering College, 1998-2001.
  • Research Associate, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Solid State & Structural Chem. Unit), 2001-02
  • Research Associate, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Department of Physics) 2002-04
  • Scientist, under Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-A), DST, Govt. of India, S.N. Bose National Centre, Kolkata, 2004-07.
  • Visiting Faculty Fellow, S.N. Bose National Centre, Kolkata, 2007-09.
  • Scientist, Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-A) & Visiting Faculty Fellow S.N. Bose National Centre, Kolkata, 2009-11.
  • Research Scientist, S.N. Bose National Centre, Kolkata, 2011-till date.
  • Main area of work

  • Experimental Condensed matter Physics, NanoScience and Technology.
  • Synthesis and physical property study of nano materials of different perovskite oxides.
  • Nano lithography and transport measurements on single nanowires of functional oxides.
  • Nuclear and magnetic structure study of correlated oxides by Neutron powder diffraction technique.

        Significant recent publications:

    • "Electronic transport in nanostructured films of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3" , Barnali Ghosh, S. Kar, L.K.Brar and A.K.Raychaudhuri, J. Appl. Phys 98, 094302 (2005)
    • "Spatially resolved study of electronic transport through grain boundaries in nanostructured films of La 0.67Sr 0.33MnO3" , Sohini Kar, Jayanta Sarkar, Barnali Ghosh and A.K.Raychaudhuri, Phys. Rev B 74, 085412 (2006).
    • "Effect of Grain Boundaries on the Local Electronic Transport in Nanostructured Films of Colossal Magnetoresistive (CMR) Manganites", S Kar, J. Sarkar, Barnali Ghosh and A.K. Raychaudhuri, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7, 2051 - 2054, (2007).
    • "Crystal structure and physical properties of half-doped manganite   nanocrystals of less than 100-nm size"", T.Sarkar, Barnali Ghosh, A.K. Raychaudhuri, Tapan Chatterjee Phys. Rev B 77, 235112 (2008).
    • "Hydrostatic Pressure (P ≤ 8GPa) induced metallization of ferromagnetic insulating La 0:79Ca 0:21MnO3" , S. Arumugam, Barnali Ghosh, A.K. Raychaudhuri, N.R. Tamil Selvan, T.Nakanishi, H.Yoshino, K.Murata and Ya. M. Mukovskii, J. Appl. Phys 106, 023905 (2009).
    • "Frequency dependence of dielectric anomaly around Neel temperature in bilayer manganite Pr(Sr0.1Ca0.9)2Mn2O7" , Barnali Ghosh, Dipten Bhattacharya, A.K.Raychaudhuri, and S. Arumugam, J. of Appl. Phys. 105, 123914 (2009).
    • "Functionalization of Manganite Nanoparticles and their interaction with biologically relevant small ligands: Picosecond Time-Resolved FRET Studies", Anupam Giri, Abhinandan Makhal, Barnali Ghosh, A. K. Raychaudhuri and Samir Kumar Pal. a Royal Society of Chemistry Journal , Nanoscale 2, 2704 (2010)
    • "Voltage bias induced modification of the transport property of all oxide Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3/SrTi0.95Nb0.05O3 junctions" , Barnali Ghosh, K.Das, and A.K.Raychaudhuri, J. Appl. Phys. (2011) 109, 083934.
    • "Fabrication and magnetic response probed by RF transverse susceptibility in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 nanowires" , S. Chandra, A.I. Figueroa, Barnali Ghosh, A.K. Raychaudhuri, M.H. Phan, P.Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, Physica B (2012) 407, 175 - 178.
    • "Evidence of a canted magnetic state in self-doped LaMnO3+δ (δ≈.04): a magnetocaloric study" , Sayan Chandra, Anis Biswas, Subarna Datta, Barnali Ghosh, V Siruguri, A K Raychaudhuri, M H Phan and H Srikanth, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 366004.
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